
we're big on generosity

West Pres is a generous congregation. We are constantly looking for ways we can give to our local community and to our global community. We are proud of the work we do to serve those in need and believe this is essential to our faith.

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current missions

Los Angeles Fire Relief

West Pres Church is currently a fire relief center for people displaced by the Eaton & Palisades fires from January, 2025.  We have helped over 20 families, providing food, toiletries, clothes, blankets, toys, gift cards and more.  If you were displaced or impacted by the fires, please contact us and we can provide whatever items you need!

Corazon de vida

In 2022 and 2023 West Pres donated $620 to Corazon de Vida in Valle de Guadalupe, Mexico. This organization provides life-changing support for orphaned and abandoned children in Baja, Mexico. Their mission is to end child abandonment by breaking the vicious cycle of poverty. 

menstrual pads

In May 2022, West Pres donated 929 menstrual pads to young women from the Masai and Turkana tribes in a remote region of Kenya with the goal of enabling these young women to attain an education. The lack of hygiene supplies generally means these women have to stay home during their periods.

skid row support

We provided 133 tampons, 27 incontinence pads, soap, and deodorant to women experiencing homelessness in our own Skid Row. 

Burbank temporary aid center

On Christmas 2022, West Pres donated $1080 and Thanksgiving food to the Burbank Temporary Aid Center. They provide short-term emergency assistance through a variety of good and services, including groceries, laundry, showers, hygiene supplies, and financial assistance to working people in financial need, senior citizens, and people experiencing homelessness. Their goal is to help these folks live with dignity. 

deacon-led missions

These are ongoing or yearly missions that are led by our deacons. To see our current roster of deacons, and find out how to become one, click here.

the lord's kitchen

On the last Saturday of the months that have five Saturdays, we are privileged to serve the hungry and homeless in our community. Due to Covid restrictions, the past few years we have had to change how we do this. But that didn't stop us! Instead of hosting and serving our guests indoors, we passed out meals to go and any left after pick up were delivered to people around Burbank. In addition to feeding hungry people, we were able to help out local businesses in the community by purchasing from family-owned restaurants in Burbank. Win-win!

In 2023, we are so excited to be able to host and serve meals in-person to our unhoused population! We love giving them the dignity of a sit-down meal and being waited on by our volunteers.

Home Again Los Angeles

We provide financially for families experiencing transitional homelessness through Home Again Los Angeles (previously known as Family Promise). We are looking forward to being able to host families again in our church. 

Angel Tree

Every holiday season, Deacons adopt families through the Burbank Coordinating Council  in order to provide them with gifts and food for Christmas. We collected Angel Tree donations based on the wishes of the children and adults. It was such a treat to get to deliver the gifts directly to the families!

blood drives

Deacons schedule, plan, and coordinate Blood Drives to care for individuals in need. 

meals program

Deacons oversee this wonderful ministry that provides meals to people in times of need. It is a beautiful way to express the love of Christ to family and friends. Through the meals program, we offer meals to families dealing with loss, illness, and stress. It is truly a blessing to both those who give and to those who receive! 

thanksgiving baskets

Each year we collect food donations to fill baskets for needy families in the area with the makings of a complete Thanksgiving meal.  Then we delivered the remaining food items to the Burbank Temporary Aid Center. 

if you know someone in need, please reach out

emergency relief missions 

Tennessee tornado relief

In March 2020, we raised $885 to support the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance's response to the tornadoes that ripped their way through the middle of Tennessee destroying buildings and homes and killing 20 adults and 5 children. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is quick to mobilize and was one of the first organizations on the ground helping with relief efforts after the tornadoes struck.

hope for haiti 

In August 2021, we contributed $2552 to support Hope for Haiti's response to the devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake that hit Haiti. Hope for Haiti is a community-based organization that was already deeply involved in improving the lives of Haitians for over 30 years before the earthquake struck. Our donations helped Hope for Haiti provide healthcare, water, sanitation, and hygiene. 

refugee support

In October 2021, one of our members, Rosa Maldonado, asked for support for the refugee families she works with at the SEPA Center through LAUSD. West Pres contributed $1599 in cash along with gift cards to support these families in meeting their basic needs. We helped give the gift of graduation photos, grad night, and prom to a young indigenous woman who had been prepared to miss out because she couldn't afford them. We supported a single mother with a 10-year-old daughter with disabilities and an 8-year-old son who were experiencing homelessness. We were able to provide this family with groceries, fast food gift cards, transportation through Uber gift cards, clothing, shoes, and a backpack. 

if you know someone in need, please reach out

west pres women missions

West Pres Women with a Rep from Saving Innocence

saving innocence

West Pres Women have donated X and collected birthday gifts for Saving Innocence. This local organization rescues and restores child victims of sex trafficking and really focuses on rehabilitation. These young girls and women miss out on normal childhood, so the goal is to provide them with birthday gifts including gift cards, a makeup palette, and a phone charger. The gift cards give them the choice to select what they want, which is super important!