
What goes on during service?

Both services on Sunday are identical. Here's what the schedule of a typical service looks like:
Worship Song
Worship Song
Worship Song
Communion - Only on the first Sunday of the month
Prayer Concerns
Closing Song
Coffee Hour

Will I be asked to stand up and introduce myself?

Nope! We encourage you to introduce yourself to Pastor Paul if  he doesn’t beat you to it!

What about accessibility?

You may enter through the front doors of the Sanctuary, the outer door of fellowship hall, or the back doors leading to our parking lot. We have 2 all gender bathrooms available for use.

How long are services?

Our services typically last around an hour. Sermons are about 30 minutes long. In between services, everyone is welcome to enjoy a casual coffee hour.

Where do I sit?

Feel free to sit wherever you would like! We have ushers stationed at all doors if you need any guidance. In Fellowship Hall, we have a monitor playing a live feed. This is also an ideal space for folks with babies and young children who need a less overwhelming environment.

what should I wear

West Pres has no dress code! Feel free to wear whatever you like.  Our Pastor frequently wears jeans and Nike shoes instead of church robes. At West Pres, we encourage folks to dress in whatever way makes you comfortable!

What about communion?

Communion takes place on the first Sunday of the month. We serve communion to you in your seat. It is not required for you to partake in communion, which consists of a cracker and fruit juice representing the blood and body of Christ.


Our cute little church is on the corner of Clark and Buena Vista. You can park in our lot off Clark.

coffee hour in Fellowship hall after service

We like to offer little treats, coffee, and tea after services because the best conversations happen over a cup of coffee. If you'd like to volunteer to provide coffee hour, please swipe right.

coffee hour volunteers needed!

ushering volunteers needed!

Westminster Presbyterian Church
542 N Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91505

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